
dSYM(Symbols) issue with Instruments tool


When you run profile on Xcode, the configuration have default values. e.g: Build Configuration( by Profile) : Release, everything will on the right, symbols will show on Instruments tool.


What’s happened

Sometime you want change the Build Configuration( by Profile) : Debug, the symbols is not support.

Stack Track is memory address


Error: Permission to profile this process was denied. Applications you wish to profile must be signed with a developer code


How to fix

Why the release configuration is success?

Have two case is different setting with Release in Debug on Xcode configurations.

generate symbol file

generate symbol file of target, by default is on release.


So let’s change the Debug value: DWARF to DWARF with dSYM File.

BTW: DWARF with dSYM File spend you build time.


when you debug was finished, you need change change value to DWARF.

Code sign

The issus like this case.


What’s going on here?

It’s code sign requirement by Identify for Instruments env.

Let’s change Code Signing Identity value to iOS Developer or Apple Developer.


Happy Debug

Now everything is ready, check it.


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